The Me-Tour Blog


My Interview With Mohawk CFE

Recently I had the pleasure of joining Alyssa Lancia from Mohawk Centre for Entrepreneurship for an hour-long on-air interview! I love the opportunity to say something that might help other entrepreneurs, so this was right up my alley.

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I Believe In Me! Now, How Do I Get YOU To Believe In Me, Too?

Imagine in 1983, when the internet was first launched.
It was new. It was frightening. Now, imagine your local small business owner, who had just paid to have their ad put into the local phonebook. Do you think they had any interest in putting their business on the internet in 1983?

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Online Shopping, Online… Everything.

A Covid birthday. I had local catering delivered, local beer, and had a rager of a party with my husband and cats. I used to only online shop when I absolutely needed to.

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It All Begins With An Idea, And An “Uncertain Time”.

2020 was rough, to say the least. I can remember where I was when the first case of Covid was announced in my city of Hamilton. I was waiting for one of my clients to finish an application at a local college. Flipping through online news articles, trying to pass the time, I saw the article that would soon become a much bigger deal than people were prepared for.

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