Online Shopping, Online… Everything.
I used to only online shop when I absolutely needed to.
I didn't like the thought of buying something, waiting days or weeks for it to show up at my doorstep, trying it on, realizing it doesn't zip up, and then figuring out if I'm adult enough to return it by mail (spoiler, I’m not).
Then Covid happened.
Suddenly, the choice of going to a local business to shop was out the window.
The world quickly "pivoted" and moved to the biggest online presence ever in our existence:
We worked online.
We partied online (can we really consider anything during this time a party? Still feels like a fever dream).
We networked online.
We attended concerts… online.
We shopped... online.
The novelty of online shopping quickly faded when it became a necessity.
I can remember scrolling, and scrolling and scrolling through pages of clothing on a website. Did I feel like I was having a true shopping experience? No.
But, was it fun? Absolutely not.
I can remember my eyes being physically fatigued from the motion of pages scrolling by. It felt like a chore.
So this is when I started to think -- how can I use this super cool virtual reality Matterport software to make online shopping more enjoyable?
I realized that Matterport has the ability to add clickable tags within their virtual tours, and those tags can link directly to e-commerce pages. Meaning, YOU CAN SHOP WHILE WALKING AROUND A VIRTUAL TOUR!
Whoa, this could be game-changing. Imagine being able to see a beautiful space, filled with gorgeous artisan merchandise.
Browse said space at your leisure. And then, click on an item, and add to cart.
This was the solution! This was the way to make online shopping fun again!!
Now, I just needed to find a retail business owner who could picture the future of shopping like I could.
Sounds easy, right?