Start Where You Are, With What You Have.

They say a giant leap begins with a single step.

But sometimes, a single step is hard AF to make when you have a fear of failure.

I had always been a perfectionist and a people-pleaser. I was the kid who came home from school, did my homework, and handed it in with pride the next day knowing it was perfect. A chronic teacher's pet, I stayed in at recess and drew lines on the chalkboard so the teacher didn't have to. Yes, I was that kid.

My identity was built on following rules, being a “good girl”, and staying in my lane.

Fast forward to 2020.

Between grade school and 2020, a lot of LIFE happened, and I quickly learned that perfect didn't exist. I had to let go of a lot of expectations about other people, but most importantly, myself.

However, the notion of "trying your best" was something I could get behind.

I knew that if I wanted to start my business idea, and be one of the first to do it, I didn't have time to be "perfect". I just needed to start where I was, with what I had.

So where "was" I?

I was working from home as an Employment Advisor/ Job Developer for individuals with self-disclosed disabilities. My job was originally based on James St, but the pandemic made it a work-from-home situation where, like many, I was removed from my regular routine. I was stuck indoors, no longer going out to dance to live music every weekend, and generally bored out of my tree.

So remember,” Start where you are, with what you have”. What did I “have”?

Extra time.

The internet.

Pent-up creative energy.

The urge to help small businesses, and a smol bit of courage.


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